History of the development of resistors

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Resistors are the basic components in the circuit. After testing the conductivity of various materials and discovering the existence of electric currents, early scientists gradually came up with the concept of resistance. Scientists have found that copper, gold and aluminum are good conductors with low resistance, while air, mica and ceramics are considered resistors because they greatly restrict the flow of current. Although the industry has long known its resistance performance, the reliable resistor we know today has not been born until 1961, when Otis Boykin created the first cheap and reliable resistor, scientists can accurately control the amount of current transmitted to a component. Thanks to his breakthrough, the resistance to extreme temperature and oscillation is greatly reduced, which finally makes it possible to produce it at low cost. As the U.S. military, IBM and many consumer electronics manufacturers have placed orders to buy Boykin’s new resistors, from household appliances and computers to guided missiles, they are everywhere.
